Photo imaging industry

Occupational areas

Below shows a table showing the occupational areas within the photo imaging industry:

Occupational areaDescriptionPhoto
Commercial photographyCommercial photography is when any photos are used for business or publication. The skills needed are creativity, communication skills, ability to use photography equipment and diverse software and knowledge in business.
Portrait/StudioThe key skills needed for portrait/studio photography are observational skills, business management and technical and be able to have interpersonal skills.
Medical PhotographyMedical photography is a category of photography focused on the capture of patients’ clinical presentation, surgical procedures, medical devices and autopsy specimens. The skills needed are an understanding of anatomy, technical expertise in photography, good written and verbal communication skills, a high level of responsibility, computer illiterate and a good sense of photographic software.
Forensic photographyIn a court of law, forensic photographers utilise pictures to support evidence in a legal case. They typically work for police departments, corner offices, sheriff’s departments, coroner’s offices, or sheriff’s departments, and they provide the following services: Photography evidence, accidents, and crime scenes. The skills needed are photography training, understanding of law enforcement procedures, comfortable around crime scenes and a diverse range of settings.
Photojournalism/PressPhotojournalism is journalism that uses images to tell a news story. It usually only refers to still images, but can also refer to video used in broadcast journalism. Press photography is used for newspapers and magazines. Skills needed are flexibility ( cope quickly with unpredictable and different situations ), communication, general knowledge of current affairs, preparation, knowledge of their camera and access different angles of natural light sources.
Fine artFine art photography is photography that is created in accordance with the photographer’s vision as an artist, and that uses photography as a medium for creative expression. The purpose of fine-art photography is to convey a message, idea or emotion. Skills needed are technical knowledge, artistic talent, creativity, patience and concentration and attention to detail.
Service and repair Skills needed are problem-solving, attention to detail, versatility, communication and knowledge of different photography equipment.
MarketingPhotography marketing allows a whole new creative perspective to a website, brand or product and stands out on social media and grabs people’s attention. Skills you need are a focus on a clear marketing objective, trust, knowledge of the settings, editing and lighting of a camera, awareness, consideration and trial, loyalty, and knowledge of media and advertising/marketing.

Key participants in the photo imaging industry

Below shows a table showing the key participants within the photo imaging industry:

Studio managerStudio managers handle the daily operations of a studio and oversee the scheduling and invoicing of clients. They own a studio and/or might rent it for photoshoots.
Technical supportTechnical Support is a position to oversee and maintain computer hardware, software systems and equipment (e.g lighting).
PhotographerPhotographers record events and tells stories using images. They take pictures of people, places, events, and objects.
Assistant photographerAssistant photographers, help professional photographers plan, set up, and complete photoshoots in studios and at external locations. Their job is to carry and set up the equipment, assist with lighting, and ensure that the shoot runs smoothly.
Art directorAn art director oversees the artistic aspects of a production and is in charge of making sure the images used in projects such as magazines, newspapers, and product packaging are stylish and appropriate.
Digital artistA digital artist is a person who uses an electronic device like a computer, laptop or iPad with image manipulation software to change or produce artistic images and/or videos for imaginative and creative purposes.
StylistStylists help clients create the most suitable image by choosing garments and accessories that fit clients’ body types and individual needs.
ClientA client is a person or organisation using and paying for the services of an individual professional or service company. Who is needing, wanting and engaging for professional advice and help.

Employment types within the photo imaging industry

Below shows a table showing employment types within the photo imaging industry:

Employment typeHoursTaxationLegalSecurityFlexibilitySalary
Part-timeFew hours a weekSorted by the employerProtected by contractHighMediumFixed
Full-time35 to 40 hours a weekSorted by the employerProtected by contractHighLowFixed
Self-employed/sole-traderIt is dependable

National insurance; Taxation only above £1200May need public liability insurance; DBS checkLow, it depends on the work/commissionsHighUnstable
ApprenticeshipCould be full-time depending on what’s agreed

Protected by learning agreementUsually low. It depends if offered a job contract afterwardsLowLow

The market for photo images

Below shows a table showing the different market types for photo images:

Market nameDescriptionImage
Photographic agenciesPhotographic agencies will handle your work for you in exchange for a commission.
Stock photographyYou can send them your work and they will take a minimal fee. Your photograph may or may not be purchased as a result of your submission.
EtsyOn Etsy, you can establish your own account and use it to market and sell your own images.
Photographic galleriesPhotographic galleries have the ability to display your work. It’s worthwhile to get in contact and send them work.


Searched theme on shutterstock : Cupcakes

The three photographs on the cupcake theme

Contact sheets

For my first ice blue cupcake photo it didn’t turn out so well. I wanted todo a close up of the cupcake at an angle however this created some of the wood to show in the photo. The cupcake is also off centre and in addition the photo is a bit dark and does not show the light turqoise blue colour of the cupcake buttercream. Overall this first ice blue cupcake photo is a distaster.
For my second ice blue cupcake photo i wanted to see if the cupcake would look better in a straight center view point which looked nice however in my next photo i should have the cupcake closer to see all of the details. In addition to the last photo the photo still is dark and this is probally due in the location of where i am taking the photos.
For my final ice blue cupcake photo i zoomed in closer to the cupcake to get all of the details. In edditing i made the photo brighter and added more saturation to add more lighting and colour as the location i was taking the photos was really dark. I also like how the background is 2 different shades of blue to show where the cupcake is sitting verses the background. Overall i really like how this final photo turned out however i wish i made the buttercream on this cupcake more blue to fit the ice, blue theme i was going for.
For my first pink confetti cupcake photo i tried todo a big wide angled view shot of the cupcake however this made the cupcake look small and lose all it’s detail. Furthermore the cupcake on it’s own looks really boring and makes the photo not that unique. Even though this photo is not that excting i really like the different shades of pink i have used in this photo.
For my second pink confetti cupcake photo i tried to make the photo more excting so i took some sprinkles which matched the ones i have used already on the cupcake and sprinkled thme around the cupcake to make it look like confetti. This made the photo more busy and excting. However i tried to zoom in more into the cupcake which annoyling turned out to make the cupcake off centre and cut some of the cupcake out of frame.
For my final pink confetti cupcake i made the cupcake more in the center with a straight forward view point. I really like the diverse shades of pink that i have used which made my photo more interesting as well as the sprinkles around the cupcake making it more fun. I brighted up the photo with a bit of highlights and saturation while edditng to make the photo perfect. Overall my pink confetti cupcake photo turned out really well.
Here i have produced my first triple chocolate cupcake photograph. There are many things wrong with this photo, the frist thing being that its really blurry and the cupcake is not centerd properly. The photo is also dark and is really boring as it just a plain chocolate cupcake with sprinkles. To improve this photo i could put the cupcake in the centre of the frame and add more toppings to the cupcake to make the photo more interesting.
For my second triple chocolate cupcake photograph i hvae added more toppings to my chocolate cupccake like a chocolate drip, chocolate shavings and a chocolate stick coming out of the cupcake. I have also added some chocolate sprinkles around the cupcake to make the photo look more interesting. However the photograph is dark and i want the cupcake to be more zoomed in.
For my final triple chocolate cupcake photograph i zoomed more into the cupcake which made the cupcake more centerd as well as making more of the details of the cupcake stand out more. I also increased the brightness and saturation of the photo to make the cupcake look brighter. I really like how by doing this i was able to make the toppings of the cupcake stand out more. Overall i like how i was able to make this cupcake photo look really delicious.

Legislation and photographers’ rights

Below is a table of the main legislation:

Obscene Publications ActThey define the legal bounds of obscenity in England and wales and are used to enforce the removal of obscene material.
Race Relations ActA series of statutes enacted by the parliament of the United Kingdom to address racial discrimination.
Employment Act, Working Term DirectiveYou can’t work more than 48 hours a week on average-normally averaged over 17 weeks. If you’re under 18, you can’t work more than 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.
Health and Safety ActAn act of the parliament of the United Kingdom that as of 2011 defines the fundamental structure and authority of the encouragement of workplace health, safety and welfare within the United Kindom.
Health and Safety Act (Display Equipment Regulations)The aim of these regulations is to prevent ill health arising from the use of display screen equipment. The main types of ill health are musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain or upper limb disorders (sometimes knwn as repetitive strain injury, or RSI), visual fatigue, and mental stress.
Employers’ Liability (compulsory) Insurance ActA UK Act of parliament that requires employers carry insurance against the personal injury of their employees.
Children and Young Persons ActRaised the minium age of execution to eighteen, raised the age of criminal responsibility from seven to eight, included guidelines on the employment of school-age children, set a minimum working age of fourteen, and made it illegal fro adults to sell cigarettes or other tobacco to children.
Sexual Discrimination ActAn Act of the parliament of the United Kingdom which protected men and women from discrimination on the grounds of sex or marital status.
Employment Rights ActA United Kingdom Act of parliament passed by the Conservative government to codify existing law or individual rights in the UK labour law.
Disability Discrimination ActAnyone with a disability is protected by the DDA. The DDA defines disability as “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”.

Legislation affecting the photoimaging industry leaflet

Cupcake topic photos ( Stock market project )

Contact sheets

For my first lemon and lime cupcake photo, I made a lot of mistakes. I firstly took the photo with half the lemon cupcake out of frame and the overall shot was at a slight angle making it unbalanced. In addition, when taking this photo i had some issues when it came to lighting so this would have to be fixed during the editing process which i really wanted to avoid when creating these new photos, however, due to certain circumstances this was not possible. However, i liked how i sprinkled the zests of both a lemon and limes over the wooden surface to make the photograph look more rustic and different to the other photos, giving the impression that a lemon and lime are being used on the wooden cutting board.
For my second lemon and lime cupcake photo it went a little better. This time both cupcakes are in frame however there is still a slight tilt to the photo making it unbalanced. I like how both lemon and lime wedges are showing acting as a kind of garnish mimicking a cocktail or tropical drink. However it seems like the lemon cupcake is slightly blocking the lime cupcake and i really wanted both subjects in the photo ( this instance being the cupcakes ) to be equal distance from the camera as well as being an equal distance from eachother, making the photo of the cupcakes look more clean and symetricall.
For my final lemon and lime cupcake photo i believe it turned out really well. In the end i was able to take the photo at a straight line angle of 180 degrees which left no unbalanceness in the photo as well as making it more accurate and precise as these kind of touch ups really improve the quality of the photo. I then put both cupcakes next to eachother and from the camera at an equal distance which really made the photograph look more even and symetricall without comprising one of the cupcakes being blocked over the other. In edditing i added some brightness and little more saturation to the photo to make it more vibrant, which did improve the lighting. However if i were todo the photo again i would find a way to improve the lighhting of the photo to avoid edditing like using a torch or lamp to add some brightness to the photo.

For my first birthday cupcake photo, I really wanted to try and create a cupcake photograph to mimic a birthday cake as cakes/cupcakes are most famously used for special occasions like birthdays. I started to present this idea by using edible fondant to mimic colourful confetti sprinkles however other than that there wasn’t much happening in the photo. In addition the photo shows that there is some unwanted background and that the photo was taken at a higher point and not directly opposite the cupcake creating a weird view.
For my second birthday cupcake photo i wanted to make the photo more fun and interesting so i added a star candle to the cupcake however the colour and shape of the candle looked a little too much for the cupcake so for the next photo i should consider using a different candle to make the cupcake stand out more as that is the main subject of the photo. This time the photo was taken with the cupcake directly opposite the camera making it the centre of the photo. Like the last cupcake photograph i did on the lemon and lime cupcake there was still an issue with the lighting which reflected here and on the next cupcake photograph however with editing this will overcome the issue.
For my final birthday cupcake photo i really like how it turned out. After switching the star candle to the more simple white candle it really made the cupcake stand out. I also had the idea to light the candle as well to make the photo more unique, and I made sure to do this in a safe environment with an adult present. In editing i increased the brightness and saturation which really made the cupcake pop and stand out. I also cropped the photo as well. Overall this really matched the vision I was going for with this photo. However, if you look closely the two white cards that I am using as a background sheet you can see where they are connected due to the dark grey line so i should have erased that as well as made the card colour more lighter as in the photo the background card looks more grey then white. Next time i will look harder for these little mistakes.
For my first cherry on top cupcake photograph it went okay for a first photo. The subject ( cupcake ) was in the centre from a good distance away from the camera with no excess background showing or parts of the cupcake being cut out. However i felt like more could have been done to heighten the creativity and make it more interesting for the viewer. And yet again the same lighting situation occured here like the last two cupcake photos . Something to add is that i also at the time of taking this photo i did not have cherries however i really wanted to commit to this idea so i made a fake one out of coloured clay and i made sure that the clay was child safe and toxic free.
For my second cherry on top cupcake photograph i decided to be a bit experimental and put the subject ( cupcake ) further away from the camera at a slight angle to see if i could make the photo more abstract like the kind of photos you see on food advertisements however, in the end i thought that i wasn’t going extreme enough with the idea i was going for and was worried that i was going to ruin the cupcake so i decided todo the original position for the subject ( cupcake ). To make the cupcake look more interesting i also added some cherry syrup creating a drip which made the cupcake look a lot more delicious.
For my final cherry on top cupcake photograph i am happy with how it turned out. After putting the subject ( cupcake ) back to it’s original position it automatically made the photo more clean and even and adding some brightness and saturation really brought out the colour of the cupcake and overall made the photo look more joyful. With the same situation happening in the birthday cupcake photo the card seems to be a little too dark and not as white as i want it as well as the background card lines are being shown which is a detail i haven’t seem to notice till now. When doing these coloured card backgrounds my intention is to get one solid colour however i need to really look out of details like the dark grey line as they ruin the quality and the main idea of the photo. However overall i think i did really well on this photo and all the photos i produced in this photoshoot.

How is intellectual property law and patents applied to work?

What is intellectual property law? : Intellectual property refers to the ownership of an idea or design by the person who came up with it. It is a term used in property law. It grants the owner of a certain set of creative designs certain exclusive rights, preventing anybody else from using or duplicating those designs without the owner’s consent.

What is a patent? : A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. Technical details concerning the creation must be made public in a patent application in order to receive one.

How does this apply in photography?

Intellectual propertyPatent
Belongs to the photographer -> can publish, print or make copies of the imageThese are rare in photography; usually used for new invents
If the person photographed is a minor, they are entitled to ask for the image to be withdrawn ( for example social media )The registration process is lengthy and costly
If the image is used by someone else it is an infringement -> but you need to demonstrate that the image is yours which is now always easyIn your images, it is better to use the EXIF metadata (which contains information such as aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focal length, camera model, date the photo was taken and much more) and always keep the RAW files ( contain uncompressed and unprocessed image data, allowing photographers to capture practically every detail they see in their viewfinder)

When can images be used without permission?

  • Images under the Creative Commons license -> you will need to give credit
  • Sometimes low resolution images can be used freely
  • If used as a background for another image (the image is not central), permission is not needed either
  • If used for commercial purposes (e.g, to be included in a book), people will need to pay for the image
  • Check social media conditions when uploading images, as although you retain the copyright they have the right to keep it and publish it if they want.

Copyright protection

What are the different procedures for assigning copyright?

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