White Balance

White balance is an electronic function that tells the photographer what is white under different colour temperatures. White balance is an important setting on your camera because is it used to control how colours are captured in different types of light. for example colour temperatures range from cool (blue tint) to warm (orange tint). Using the right white balance setting will eliminate unwanted colour casts that can ruin your image and make it appear unnatural.

The temperature scale is expressed in Kelvin degrees, named after physicist Lord Kelvin. The designation for Kelvin temperatures is with a capital K, which means that when you convey a temperature in Kelvin, you usually just say the K, e.g., 3200K, or Thirty-two hundred Kelvins. 

The scale is based on the colour that is emitted when a chunk of metal is heated. At lower temperatures, the metal turns red. As the temperatures get hotter, the colours change to orange and then to yellow. At even hotter temperatures, the metal turns white and then blue.In photography, the image appears to be tinted reddish or yellowish under indoor lighting and bluish outdoors. That’s because the colour temperature for most indoor lights is usually about 3200K, whilst outdoor lighting (from the Sun) registers near 5600K. 

Below shows an example of the Kelvin scale:

Photos showing different preset modes in my camera

Below shows the different preset modes for white balance with a corresponding photo showing the different mode.


. Incandescent


.Direct sunlight




How you can change the white balance by using Lightroom

Below shows how you can change the white balance by using the photoshop/editing app Lightroom. I used the normal AUTO white balance setting image and i tried to make it look like the Incandescent image. I showed this by using screengrab’s for evidence.

To show the difference between the photo below shows the photos side by side. You can move the white arrow to show the difference as well between the normal AUTO image or the edited image made to look like the Incandescent image

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