
What is Aperture?

Aperture can be defined as the opening in a lens through which light passes to enter the camera.Aperture is like the “pupil” for your camera system, which can open and close to change the amount of light that passes through. You can shrink or enlarge the size of the aperture to allow more or less light to reach your camera sensor. Aperture can add dimension to your photos by controlling depth of field. At one extreme, aperture gives you a blurred background with a beautiful shallow focus effect.At the other, it will give you sharp photos from the nearby foreground to the distant horizon. It is calibrated in f/stops and is generally written as numbers such as 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11 and 16. Lower f/stops give more exposure because they represent the larger apertures, while the higher f/stops give less exposure because they represent smaller apertures.

What is Diffraction?

Diffraction is a concept which occurs when waves bend around small obstacles, or spread out after they pass through small openings. Diffraction occurs with all waves, including sound waves, water waves, and waves such as light that the eye can see.Lens diffraction is an interference that occurs when light passes through a tiny opening, such as an aperture with a small value number.Lens diffraction occurs when both the wavelength of light and the opening itself are roughly the same sizes.

What is Depth of field?

Depth of field is the distance between the closest and farthest objects in a photo that appears acceptably sharp. Now the camera can only focus sharply at one point making the transition from sharp to unsharp gradual.

Shoe Photos

Shoes and background on focus (photo 1)

Shoes on focus , background blurry (photo 2)

Shoes blurry , background on focus (Photo 3)

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Shoe Photos Notes
For this photo there were many things that were wrong for example the camera was too far away from the shoes and the flash was on making the photo too bright making the fairy lights less bright. This just made the photo not that impactful and did not look right. To add i don’t think the photo was that sharp enough at f/16 (To create photo 1) so i will definitely turn up the aperture.
PHOTO 1 (Shoes and background on focus)
This photo came out really good and i named it photo 1 (where everything is in focus and sharp) the shoes and lights are very sharp and bright from the last image i turned off the flash , zoomed in closer to the shoes and i increased the aperture to f/32 which was a good choice to make because now everything looks focused and clear.

For the next image the aim was to create an image which the aim was ( to make the shoes blurry but the background focused ). Even though the image is kind of good the shoes were not blurry enough which meant i had to decrease the aperture even more to make sure the shoes were blurry but to also be aware that the background must also stay in focus.

As i looked at my last photo i realised the background may not have been sharp enough so i turned up the aperture form f/16 to f/22 which was a mistake because now the photo looks too sharp and not that blurry.
PHOTO 3 (Shoes blurry , background on focus)

After the last photo i turned down the aperture from f/22 to f/10 and i named it photo 3 (Shoes blurry , background on focus) . The shoes looked and blurry and so does the fairy lights and the background still looks as sharp as the last photo which is really good as well.
I turned the aperture back to a normal setting which is f/6 to see how to get started with the new concept which is Shoes on focus , background blurry .From this photo i can tell its a bit too focused so i now know to decrease the aperture slightly for the next photo.
photo 2 (Shoes on focus , background blurry)
Finally i have completed this photo and named it Photo 2 with the concept Shoes on focus , background blurry .The shoes still look bright and focussed and the background looks blurry because you can not see the texture of the paint on the all and the shadows and highlights , bouncing off the wall are mixing together creating a blurry colour. So i would say Photo 2 went pretty well.

If photo 2 (shoes on focus and background blurry) was not clear enough here is another photo of the shoes:

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